Pretty good
But I had a few problems with it. Mostly that only one american plane was damaged and another was shot down. But there where like 5 japanese planes shot down. Would not of worked out that way at all
Pretty good
But I had a few problems with it. Mostly that only one american plane was damaged and another was shot down. But there where like 5 japanese planes shot down. Would not of worked out that way at all
That was pretty good
And dont listen jackasses like jmr2002. His a guy who probaly dosn't even know how to play soccer. Heres a question for him. If Soccer players are nothing but people who cant play football, then why am I able to play both? Dumbass
anyway, good movie. And yes, soccer should not be getting cut. Its better then basketball and all the other dumb shit that schools make you do
Great movie!!
That RULED!! I cant wait till you finish it. I also cant wait till you finish Vitual Fighter! Hurry up!! lol
In the start it said you need voice actors. I've never done voice acting before but I'd love to give it a try!
Not a bad movie
But YOU piss me off.
Your the typical American. Anyone who dissagrees with you, you call a commy or gay or something stupid like that. Im not saying all Americans are like that. Some of my really close friends are American. But its the ones like YOU I cant stand. "Oh americas the best" Why? "Oh becuase we said so" GAG! Im sorry but I feel more threatend right now by the U.S then Iraq. This is a country where its leader LOST the election by almost 500,000 votes. And im not lying. He also has a criminal Record (Drunk Driving. But you cant find it, his Daddy erased it). His a Joke. You say that every thing you do is right. ya, Do you even know much about American History? I mean the stuff they wont teach you in School. You might be surprised at the fact that many of the problems in this world were caused by the U.S doing whatever the hell it felt like.
P.S: I DID however like the tribute to the soilders. They may not want to be there but there bravly fighting a, at the moment, losing battle
that would be my brother. i'm different, i guess im not what you call 'a typical american'. Thanks for the review anyways.
Great work
Another great peice of work from VGDC. You NEED to get the second part out as soon as you can
Very nice
For a first movie, This is great. It was well done. And for a first movie the sprites movements were extreamly smooth. Two thumbs up
Fricking amazing
You are a GOD! Sorry had to say that. I've seen alot of claymation and that was BY far the smoothest one I have ever seen. (Expect from the pros who get paid to do it) I do stop frame with models and I bow to you. I laughed my ASS off when he hit him with the stick. I dont know why its just really funny.
P.S you resident evil things RULE!!
i am not a god!
Not Bad....
but no overly great. The problems i saw where the sound sucked a lot. Got scratchy and irratating. It was a LOT longer then it needed to be. There was a lot of usless text in there. I mean you put in text when it wasnt needed. Like "Hey I don't remember a door being there before" People watching picked up on the door and you could of just moved on. But pretty good overall, make another
Link is Mad 2:
Better sound and music, more action, shorter, twist in plot!!
Thanks for the adivice
I submitt a new movie about every 4 weeks (I hope)
Age 41, Male
Hit man
Olds High School
Behind you
Joined on 9/29/02